Monday, September 13, 2010

First post

So this is my first experience blogging since Xanga was big back in 2003 or whatever.  I'm not really sure my life is interesting enough to warrant frequent posts, but hopefully that will change soon.

I'm in the midst of both packing for 2+ years in Ukraine and making efforts to see as many of my friends and family as I can before I leave next Friday.  I spent about 5 hours today driving back from Brunswick, where I spent the weekend with my sister.  This morning was the last time I'll see her for maybe over two years.  Anyway, I had plenty of time to myself on the interstates today, so I started thinking about what I'll miss the most and not miss at all whilst overseas.
Things I'll Miss

Family and friends
my golden retriever, Caesar (and even my sister's cat and dog, Pumpkin and least some)
Food, especially Southern food--barbecue, soul food, pork chops, Chick-fil-a, Waffle House, and the like.  And burgers.  I was craving Five Guys constantly for about 2 weeks in Italy last summer
Air conditioning.  Even Western Europe doesn't have A/C
my Jeep
Sports.  Especially since the Braves show promise for October and next season.  And the SEC East looks weak as hell for the indefinite future...maybe Georgia could finally punch a ticket to Atlanta?
American holidays, especially Christmas, Thanksgiving, and July 4th
Wearing shorts
Ice in my cokes
South Park

Things I Won't Miss
Summer weather in August/September in the South.  I couldn't stand being outside for more than 5 minutes this weekend in Savannah/SSI.  95+ with high humidity, almost no wind even on the beach...ugh
Atlanta traffic
Atlanta prices...I went out on Tuesday in midtown and paid about $6 for light beer
The Braves, Falcons, and Dawgs constantly managing to disappoint and underperform
The unhealthy US lifestyle of driving everywhere, eating horribly, and being heinously overweight
The current partisan rancor in US politics
Traffic cops
Kim Kardashian

Tomorrow I leave for the airport in the morning with Dad.  He's flying to Ottawa for business; I'm going to Pensacola to visit Grandaddy one last time before I go.  I get back Wednesday, then I'm headed to Athens for a good hurrah from Thursday to Sunday.  Friday morning is when this Ukraine business all begins.  So soon.

I really need to get off the computer and go work out in the "gym" in my parents' basement.  Being home does has its benefits, I guess.


  1. Yay, another PCV with a blogger website! I used to have a Xanga back in the day too, I looked at it the other day and it was horribly embarrassing. Speaking of horribly embarrassing, I couldn't believe Tech lost to Kansas last weekend.

  2. Haha, that was bad. At least Georgia lost to a ranked SEC team. I deleted my Xanga back in spring when I remembered about it, but I had to save a few hilarious entries on my hard drive
